There are a few hills in this stage, and the traffic to contend with in Lyon, but mostly the riding is easy. From Travers, continue along D65H, through la Brosse, and then briefly rejoin the D65. After 100 metres, take the D52A on your left, towards the lovely village of Hières-sur-Amby (7 kms). Ride through the village and then towards Bourcieu and Vernas (10 kms) on the D65E, which becomes the D65b after it crosses over the D65. In St. Romain de Jalionas (12.5 kms), take the D55 on your right, towards Chavanoz (16 kms). Keep following the D55 through Villette d’Anthon and Jons (24 kms).

Cross the Rhone shortly after leaving Jons, going towards Nievroz (28 kms). Follow the D61 as you leave Nievroz, riding towards Thil (32.5 kms).
From here we followed the unpaved path alongside the river until Mirabel (40 kms), only running into a

bit of trouble when we had to cross a pedestrian bridge with some of the walkway missing (it is possible to go around this if the bridge remains unfixed and proves too difficult to cross). For a paved alternative, take the D61b out of Thil up to the Route de Genève (N84), turn left towards Mirabel.

Ride through Mirabel, turning left at the end of the village to cross the Pont de l’Ile. From here you can follow the bike path through the impressive Parc Miribel-Jonage and probably into Lyon. We left the path to stick with our GPS route, but I would expect one of them to go into the city and provide a safer passage. We arrived on a Sunday, so the traffic was light.
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